Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Kiki Kokí awarded Latino Books into Movies Award for Animation

The second addition of Latino Books into Movies were held in LA on April 21 at the LA Times Festival of Books. The awards were presented at Hoy stage. The judges were film industry professionals. Producers, Directors, Screenwriters etc. At the awards my book, Kiki Kokí the Enchanted Legend of the Kokí Frog was awarded first place in the Category of Animation. Thanks to all who wished me well leading up to the event.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

We will be at the Festival of Books at USC today.

LA Times Festival of Books LinkKiki Koki will be up for an award at the HOY stage today at 4PM at the LA Times Festival of books at the USC Campus. If you are attending I will be there signing books at the Hoy tent adjacent to the Hoy Stage from 2PM to 4PM. Tomorrow I will be there 12 Noon to 2PM.
Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sorry it's been a while, but we have great news! Tomorrow, March 15, at a news conference in Puerto Rico, representatives from the National Puerto Rican Day Parade of NYC will announce plans for this year's parade. guessed it! Kiki Kokí will make his real life walk-around character debut at the parade. Check back for details soon!